
How Yoga Can Help Your Gut

Yoga is an incredible tool for strengthening your gut.

Yoga helps you build strength, flexibility, and endurance all at once. When you practice yoga regularly, your body will become more flexible, which means that it'll be able to do things like bending over and touching your toes without feeling pain or discomfort. But it's not just about the physical benefits of yoga—it's also about how it can help you improve your mental health by relaxing your nervous system and helping you reduce stress levels.
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Collagen and Gut Health

Collagen is the most abundant protein in the body, and it's found in every tissue. It's what gives your skin elasticity and keeps your joints healthy, among other things.

But did you know that collagen is also important for gut health?

The gut is home to trillions of bacteria, which help break down food and nutrients into simple molecules that can be absorbed by your body.

Collagen helps keep the lining of your intestines healthy and strong so that these bacteria can do their job effectively.
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A healthy digestive system is very important to good health. In order to maintain this, functional medicine uses a 5-R program, which consists of taking out, replacing, repairing, and restoring. This method can help people feel better and resolve their chronic issues. 
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Drinking moderate amounts of red wine can improve a person's gut health, according to researchers. They also noted that it can lower the body mass index and LDL cholesterol. However, people who are fond of drinking red wine should do so in moderation as with other alcoholic drinks.
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Intermittent fasting is a type of fasting that involves varying meal timing schedules that allow people to fast between periods of non-fasting. Some of these methods include daily time-limited feeding and periodic fasting. It is common knowledge that it is an effective way to lose weight but is it good for your gut?
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A coffee enema is a natural detoxification method that has been used by many people for its health benefits. A coffee enema is done in a similar way to an enema, but instead of water, you use pure organic coffee as the liquid. Coffee enemas are thought to help with detoxification and healing processes in the body as well as improve digestion and absorption of nutrients from food. Many people also claim that it helps relieve symptoms like bloating, constipation, and other digestive issues. 
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