
Enema Bulb or an Enema Bucket?

Enemas have been around for years, and they are still popular today. There are many different types of enemas, but the most common type is the enema bulb. It is a small bag or container that holds the liquid used to cleanse your colon. An enema bucket is another way to administer an enema. A bucket has a large opening at the top so that it can hold more liquid than an enema bulb.

Both ways to administer an enema are similar in that they both require some sort of lubricant to help reduce friction when inserted into your rectum. The main difference between these two methods is how much fluid can be held within each container. While both options are effective at cleaning out your colon, there are some instances where one might be better suited for use over another option such as traveling with only one container for travel purposes or if you have limited space available for storage at home.
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Did you know that your gut microbiome has a huge impact on your health?

There's a reason why we're so obsessed with probiotics these days. The trillions of bacteria that live in our guts are responsible for keeping us healthy, and the more diverse our gut microbiomes are, the better.

We all know that diet matters when it comes to our overall health, but what we might not realize is how much diet can influence our microbiomes. What we eat determines which microbes live on us and how they grow. If you want to feed the good guys and starve the bad ones, you need to learn about the best foods for your gut microbiome—and avoid the worst ones!
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People tend to think of the gut and skin as two separate entities—but there's a connection between them.

The skin is the largest organ in our bodies, and it's all about protecting us from the outside world. But what you might not know is that the gut is also an important part of your body's immune system. So if you're not taking care of your gut, you could be putting yourself at risk of developing skin issues.

That's why we're here: to help you understand how to take care of your gut so you can have clear skin!
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The Microbiome Diet is a diet that focuses on eating foods that promote the growth of "good" gut bacteria and avoiding foods that promote the growth of "bad" gut bacteria. The idea behind the Microbiome Diet is that by eating the right foods, you can increase your body's ability to fight off disease, improve overall health, and even lose weight.

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Obstructed Defecation Syndrome

ODS stands for Obstructed Defecation Syndrome. Aside from being annoying, it can also be extremely painful. Find out what it is and what can be done about it.

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Have you ever looked down at your gut and thought “maybe there is something wrong?” Well, if so, you've come to the right place. This blog post summarizes all the main signs that can alert you of an unhealthy gut.
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