
It's not that people don't know what probiotics are. It's that they think of them as a "quick fix" for their health problems, when in fact, probiotics are more like a lifestyle choice.

First off, what is a probiotic? A probiotic is a type of bacteria that lives in your digestive tract, and it helps regulate your microbiome. Your microbiome is basically the community of microorganisms that live inside your body and help keep you healthy. A healthy microbiome can protect against diseases like diabetes, cancer and obesity.

But what does this have to do with my gut health? In short: everything! You see, most people don't realize just how much their gut health affects their overall health. Gut health affects everything from weight loss to mental clarity to even skin tone! And one of the best ways to improve your gut health is by taking a probiotic supplement every day—but only if you choose the right one!
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Constipation is a condition wherein a person can have infrequent bowel movements. What are the types of constipation and how can each be treated?
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Ulcerative colitis is a long term condition wherein the colon and rectum is inflamed. What causes UC and what can a person do to prevent this?
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There are several types of enemas and enema solutions that can be used depending on your condition.
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Both prebiotics and probiotics are equally essential to the body. But how are they different from each other?
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If you ever felt like there are winged insects fluttering around your stomach when you are stressed or anxious, you are not alone. This actually shows the strong connection between your mood and your gut.
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