
Did you know that your gut microbiome has a huge impact on your health?

There's a reason why we're so obsessed with probiotics these days. The trillions of bacteria that live in our guts are responsible for keeping us healthy, and the more diverse our gut microbiomes are, the better.

We all know that diet matters when it comes to our overall health, but what we might not realize is how much diet can influence our microbiomes. What we eat determines which microbes live on us and how they grow. If you want to feed the good guys and starve the bad ones, you need to learn about the best foods for your gut microbiome—and avoid the worst ones!
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Sometimes, when you're on the keto diet, it can be a little tough to go to the bathroom.

That's because when you're eating a high-fat, low-carb diet, your body becomes more efficient at using fat as an energy source instead of glucose (a.k.a. carbohydrates). This process is called ketosis.

But there are ways to combat this common side effect of keto! Read our blog to find out.
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The Microbiome Diet is a diet that focuses on eating foods that promote the growth of "good" gut bacteria and avoiding foods that promote the growth of "bad" gut bacteria. The idea behind the Microbiome Diet is that by eating the right foods, you can increase your body's ability to fight off disease, improve overall health, and even lose weight.

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Smoothies for Gut Health

Smoothies are to the gut, what a multi-vitamin is to the rest of your body. They're packed with nutrients that can help heal and repair your digestive and immune systems. Here are some smoothie recipes, each with different combinations and you should rotate them throughout your week.
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Almonds are a good addition to your diet because they support the microbiome and help you maintain a healthy gut. Find out more in our article.
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Herbal teas have been used for centuries to treat a variety of ailments. Beyond their traditional use as remedies, herbal teas are also popular beverages for their health-promoting properties. Find out more.
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