A Must-Read before starting your Enema Journey...

A Must-Read before starting your Enema Journey...

As we're sure that you understand that safety is extremely important when conducting an Enema. We have compiled a few things you must know prior to starting an Enema.

Here they are, in simple dot points, for you to read in less than 5 minutes!

Whether you are using our Enema Kit, or any others:


1.) ALWAYS Read the Instructions prior to use!

Not only will this provide you with additional knowledge & FYI(s), it will give you more confidence when conducting an Enema at the convenience of your Home. 

2.) Depending on your usage, it is recommended that you consult with a related Health/Medical Professional(s).

Although an Enema can be performed at Home, at the convenience of your privacy & comfort, it is best to pin point your reason of usage (Whether it is for Constipation, Treatment, Detox, etc). This way, you will be able to obtain best results (through guidance & mentor-ship), and monitor your progress in terms of ongoing improvements, results or any issues that may arise.

3.) ALWAYS Sanitise your Hands, Equipment & Recipes, BEFORE and AFTER usage.

Regardless of your usage, please ensure your Hands, Equipment(s) (& All parts) are sanitised properly for your safety. 


Before you use your Enema Kit, clean the equipment with warm, soapy water (or use warm water and white vinegar). Rinse the bag and tubing with fresh, clean water and you’re ready to begin.


After completing your enema, wash ALL equipment in warm, soapy water (or warm water and white vinegar) and leave it to air dry in a clean space or better yet, wipe excess water with clean paper towel to ensure it is dry. Make sure that it is properly cleaned & dry!

When all equipment(s) are clean and dry, store it into the drawstring storage bag ready for future usage. It is recommended that the hose and insertion tips are thoroughly cleaned internally and externally.

4.)  "Do Not Use" if you are:

  • Pregnant.
  • Experiencing Rectal Bleeding.
  • Advised Not to Use by related Health/Medical Professional(s).
  • Under Stress/Time Constraints.
  • Do not have access to Clean/Sanitised Water.
  • Unsure of the Process
  • Sick/Unwell

5.) Monitor Your Usage & Find your Best Time to use!

As we understand that everyone is different, and are seeking different results. It is recommended that depending on what you are trying to achieve, you must monitor how you feel before & after conducting an Enema. This will determine how your body reacts to the process and if any changes is needed. 








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