Health experts are recommending collagen due to its amazing health benefits.

Recently, Collagen has gained more popularity due to its amazing benefits for health. In fact, you can find Collagen in almost every health and beauty products— from cosmetics to pills. It even made its way into smoothies and yogurt.

Collagen is the main protein in your body that forms your connective tissues and skin. It is present in the muscles, bones, blood, ligaments, and cartilage. An added serving of this essential protein is beneficial for numerous reasons. Collagen is an important piece when it comes to:

  • holding together your muscles and bones
  • providing structure to your tendons and joints
  • promoting skin elasticity

What’s amazing about the human body is its ability to produce collagen regularly on its own. However, collagen production slows down as we age. Other factors that negatively impact the body’s ability to produce collagen are illnesses and unhealthy habits such as smoking and a bad diet.

Without collagen, there are a lot of things that you will start to notice in your body, such as sagging skin and joint pain.

The impact of collagen consumption depends on each individual’s lifestyle and health condition. Studies support collagen supplements for people of age and with health issues such as arthritis. A healthy person with a well-balanced diet, however, may not notice any drastic changes.

If you are looking for a natural way to up your collagen consumption, you may choose to consume collagen by eating a well-balanced diet that is rich in protein. Collagen is present in chicken, beef, and fish.


Here are 5 health benefits collagen is known for: 

1. Collagen may help ease joint pain

Most studies about the health benefits of collagen are focused on joint health. As we age, our cartilage weakens and deteriorates. Older people began feeling joint pains even more. Boosting your collagen consumption may help ease joint pain and relieve arthritis’ symptoms.

One study confirms this benefit. Participants were given a type II collagen supplement for 3 months. The results were amazing. Osteoarthritis symptoms were lowered by 40%. The severity of symptoms, on the other hand, dropped by 33%.

In an older study using a similar collagen supplement, people with serious rheumatoid arthritis experienced a lowered number of tender and swollen joints. Interestingly, 4 individuals (out of 60 people) experienced total remission. Take note that the supplement used was undenatured--which means they are completely unprocessed and not exposed to extreme heat. 

Collagen may help ease joint pain. It has been studied carefully for its role in joint health.



2. Collagen helps burn fat and build muscle

Since Collagen is a crucial component of muscle tissue, it’s no wonder why it can provide a huge impact on building muscle mass. In addition, collagen possesses a strenuous amount of glycine. Glycine is an amino acid involved in the compound of creatine. It is able to fuel your muscles as you workout.

More studies must be conducted on the connection between exercise and collagen. But one research studied the link between collagen supplements in 53 participants with sarcopenia--a health condition where a person loses muscle mass due to old age.

In just 12 weeks, participants that were given supplements together with resistance training showed a great increase in muscle strength and fat loss, unlike the placebo group.


Collagen helps burn fat and build muscle. It has been studied carefully for its role in building muscle mass.


3. Collagen may reverse signs of skin aging

Another top benefit of collagen is its ability to support skin health. Collagen is able to promote skin elasticity, providing a more youthful and vibrant skin.

When people get older, collagen production drops. As a result, sagging skin, fine lines, and dryness occur. In these cases, upping your collagen intake through supplements may help.

In one study, 46 out of 69 women who are 35 to 55 years old were given collagen hydrolysate supplement. The remaining women were given a placebo. After four weeks, those who consumed the collagen supplement displayed great improvement in skin elasticity.

Interestingly, the exact same manufacturer conducted a different study after a few years. Using the same supplement, a significant reduction in wrinkles was discovered in just eight weeks.

Collagen may reverse signs of skin aging. It has been studied carefully for its role in skin health.


4. Collagen may reduce the appearance of cellulite

Collagen is not just for making your skin glowing. It also helps reduce the appearance of cellulite. Cellulite is the lumpy or dimpled appearance people have on the thighs, hips, and buttocks. However, it may appear in other parts of the body too. 

One study sponsored by manufacturers was conducted to discover how type I collagen could impact cellulite. 105 female participants between ages 24 to 50 were randomly assigned to consume collagen peptides consistently for 6 months.

Results show a great improvement in skin texture. However, more research must be conducted to confirm its effectiveness. 

Nevertheless, it is important to note that cellulite is very common, especially to women. In fact, about 80 to 90% of women have cellulite. There is nothing to worry about because it is a normal part of skin formation.

Collagen may reduce the appearance of cellulite. It has been studied carefully for its role in reducing cellulite.


5. Collagen may promote digestive health

Collagen is found in the gut’s connective tissue. It works well in strengthening your digestive tract’s lining, which is very crucial. Without this protective lining, your intestine would have a weak barrier that may result in leaky gut syndrome, which allows toxins to pass from the gut into the bloodstream. This condition may also cause inflammation.

One study assessed 170 individuals that are suffering from IBS (inflammatory bowel disease). Interestingly, they were discovered to possess low levels of serum collagen.

For this reason, the theory is that you may improve your GI tract lining by increasing your collagen consumption. However, current scientific findings are still limited to the specific effects of collagen to digestive health.

Collagen may promote digestive health. It has been studied carefully for its role in strengthening the digestive tract’s lining.


Do you want to increase your collagen intake?

If you do, you may try preparing homemade bone broth by simmering bones and extracting its essential nutrients. Bone broth is one of the best sources of collagen that is easy to consume.

Another effective way to increase your collagen consumption is by supplementing with collagen peptides. You may add collagen powder to your favorite smoothies, or even baked desserts!

You can also add collagen to your diet by trying powdered gelatin. Did you know that gelatin is what you call collagen once it’s cooked? You can add in gelatin to any liquid, such as soups and drinks.


Collagen is essential because it is the main protein in the body that forms the connective tissues and skin. It plays a huge role in providing skin elasticity, strengthening the hair, and supporting the connective tissues all over our body. As a matter of fact, this essential protein makes up 70 percent of the protein found in the skin, and 30% of the total protein found in the body.

Collagen has been studied carefully for its role in joint and bone health, skin health, and digestive health. No doubt, its health benefits are worth exploring.

Disclaimer: The content is purely informative and educational in nature and should not be construed as medical advice. Please use the content only in consultation with an appropriate certified medical or healthcare professional.


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